Daily Archives: January 27, 2011

Andrew Hessel on Singularity 1 on 1: How Synthetic Biology May Help Cure Cancer

I’ve recently come upon this Internet interview on the Singularity Webblog and would love to share it with you. Andrew Hessel is a very interesting personality: being both a geneticist and computer scientist, Andrew co-chairs the Bioinformatics and Biotechnology track at the Singularity University, abvocates Synthetic Biology and is a founder of the Pink Army Cooperative, an open source biotech company, which has a totally great goal – applying Synthetic Biology to create personalized anti-cancer drugs.

Andrew shares his thoughts about the main future goals and applications of Synthetic Biology. He gives a perspective on how exactly Pink Army Cooprerative is going work on creating the anti-cancer drugs and why he believes this open source cooperative approach is much more efficient than the common drug candidate search-testing-verification process.

Read more about Andrew Hessel and his work


Filed under Drug design, genomics