Tag Archives: cryopreservation

History of Cryonics – Biography of Mike Darwin

Yesterday I stumbled upon this beautiful biographical story of Mike Darwin. Mike Darwin is one of the best cryonics specialists in the world. His contribution to the science of cryonics is tremendous. It is very well described in the biography. And not only it is a personal story, but also quite a large part of the history of cryonics with its challenges and achievements. Read about dogs fully recovered from being kept at  5oC ( 41oF) for 5 hours and other fascinating experiments.

I believe it is crucial to have more experiments in cryonics. This is a great chance to life forever. Sadly, cryonics has quite a lot of challenges, which are not yet overcome. Probably, the worst thing is that people don’t see how fascinating the promise of cryonics is. I encourage everyone to promote cryonics and cryobiology. We have to change the existing situation and create an industry. Cryonics may become the best business in the world.

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My Visit to KrioRus – the First Cryonics Company in Europe and Asia

Yesterday I visited the facilities of the Russian cryonics company KrioRus, which are located just outside Moscow. That’s the huge dewar flask where the cryopreserved bodies are stored. It’s so big that one needs to climb up a ladder to peek through the steamy nitrogen. And in the picture below Alexei Turchin, a renowned futurologist and expert on global risks, and I are in front of the other dewar flask, now empty and waiting for the new cryo patients. Cryonics is an amazing opportunity to get a chance to find yourself in the future. I believe cryonics is the choice of truly smart people.


Filed under Cryonics

Paris Hilton Invests in Cryonics – For Herself & Her Pets

A number of sources ranging from the Arizona Republic to the blogosphere have reported that actress and media celebrity Paris Hilton has become a cryonics supporter and investor.

As BANG Showbiz reports, “Paris Hilton wants to be frozen with her beloved pets when she dies. The hotel heiress is keen to live forever and has invested a large sum of money in the world’s biggest suspended animation cemetery, Cryonics Institute.”

The story is incorrect, both in its characterization of the Cryonics Institute and regarding Miss Hilton. It is apparently a media hoax. Unofficial sources have informed the Cryonics Society that reports of the actress’ commitment have no basis in reality.

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Filed under Immortalism

Emergency Response Service Launched to help Improve Revival Chances for Cryonicists – EUCRIO

EUCRIO (European Union Cryonics Rapid Intervention Organization) with a head office in Braga, Portugal has officially launched today, on the 1st of October 2010, and will start providing their services on the 1st of November 2010.

Thanks to recent advances in the Vitrification Process, cryonics members now have better chances of being revived by future technologies. With good vitrification in place, the quality of human cryopreservation now depends on the speed and quality of the stabilization procedures and body transport. To address this need, EUCRIO was formed to provide state-of-the-art cryonics emergency standby, stabilization, and transport services throughout Europe. EUCRIO itself does not provide cryogenic ‘storage’ of any kind however their service does include secure transportation to cryonic storage facilities.

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Filed under Immortalism