Monthly Archives: March 2015

Transhumanism Strategy Boils Down to Choosing a Crowdfunding Project

Maria in the library First of all, let’s draw a line between a strategy and wishful thinking. There are plenty of wonderful transhumanist projects. A viral video, a global portal, attracting celebrities, proof that aging is a disease, convincing billionaires, educational programs, letters to politicians, civil actions, participating in elections, creating a strong community, clinical trials of combinations of existing age delaying drugs on animals, TV shows, Hollywood blockbusters, creating a political committee, conferences on transhumanist topics, scientific megaproject on life extension, cryonics company, crowdfunding, a lot of startups relevant to transhumanist topics, active use of AI elements in all areas and so on . The only question is how can we do all of this? Often, when a person gives advice that we need to do this and that, they have a feeling that they solved the problem. However, “this and that” won’t just appear by itself. There is merely a feeling that the problem is solved. This is how a person solves the problem of being involved in transhumanism by giving a piece of advice. It should be noted that all pure transhumanists projects either failed, or lead a miserable existence, or degenerated into something unreliable. Continue reading


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