Monthly Archives: July 2010

Low calorie diet and the brain

neuroscience, SIRT1, sirtuins, life extension, mice, BRASTO, hpothalamus, brain, diet restriction

I am always very pleased to see new research results in the “misterious” area of neurophysiology of aging. One of the lastest is published in the July 28 issue of the . A group of scientists from the Washington University School of Medicine found that the mediator of diet restriction, SIRT1, helps mice survive when the food is scarce.

Researchers compared two groups of mice, one that had elevated levels of SIRT1 in the brain, called BRASTO, and a SIRT1-deficient group. BRASTO mice were much more active after fasting, also they were able to maintain their body temperature. Investigators link these findings to the role of SIRT1 in the hpothalamus region of the brain. During diet restriction SIRT1 enhanced the production of a specific neural receptor in the
hypothalamus involved in regulating metabolic rate, food intake and
insulin sensitivity.

This is the evidence of an indirect link between SIRT1 expression in the brain and life extension. Since SIRT1 seems to be one of the key mediators of responce to diet restriction, and diet restriction was shown to increase lifespan in different model animals, SIRT1 may contribute to life extension effect of low calorie diet. More information can be found here.


Filed under Article, Mechanisms of aging, Neuroscience, Science

The meaning of life is to live

meaning of life, life, vacation, systems biology of aging, turkey, adam and eve, hotel
I have just come back from a totally great vacation in Turkey. I stayed at the Adam&Eve hotel in Belek. Had a wonderful time!

Now I’m going to the Systems Biology of Aging meeting in Newcastle, UK.

meaning of life, life, vacation, systems biology of aging, turkey, adam and eve, hotel


Filed under Life