Longevity Cookbook Indiegogo Campaign Is the Most Effective Step You Can Take towards Your Longevity

longevity cookbook, health, rejuvenation, aging, cookbook, healthy eating

Something amazing has happened! We have launched our Longevity Cookbook Indiegogo Campaign.

Aging steals away your most valuable resource: time. The Longevity Cookbook is a strategy guide to help you get more time to experience the joy from everything that you like in life. Take yourself on a journey starting with nutrients and exercise regimes that goes on to exploring the usage of genetically modified symbiotic organisms and using gene therapy to boost your own longevity.

Contributing to ‪#LongevityCookbook‬ is the best way you can spend your money, because we are fighting for your life. Please, contribute and share the Longevity Cookbook campaign. Let’s defeat aging together!


Filed under Funding

9 responses to “Longevity Cookbook Indiegogo Campaign Is the Most Effective Step You Can Take towards Your Longevity

  1. Bruce Neeld

    You should accept bitcoin as method to donate.Bruce

  2. I second Bruce Neeld. Bitcoin isn’t a virtual currency. It’s a protocol which mimic the currency properties. You can accept bitcoin very quite easily nowadays.

  3. Pingback: Enlaces casi diarios - Filé Aesir

  4. mitchellporter

    Wow, the money pledged just jumped by over $10000 in just a few hours.

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