Roadmap to Immortality – Artificial Intelligence


I’d like to present the last part of the Human Physical Immortality Roadmap, which is devoted to Artificial Intelligence. There’s a good chance this technology will be the game changer for the humanity at large. It may define our future.

We can write a book about the evolution of different technologies and how they are going to influence human condition and help achieve immortality. This Roadmap can serve as an illustrated table of contents for this book. The only problem that we have is we don’t know which publishing house to go to. If some of you have any contacts at a publisher that might be interested in such a book, please, let me know.


Filed under Transhumanism

8 responses to “Roadmap to Immortality – Artificial Intelligence

  1. LightMagi


  2. Magnus Opus. Good luck you will need it

  3. GoldenDiskette

    Unbeknownst to most, we’re already at stage six.

  4. Harry Wright

    Reblogged this on Hyper AI.

  5. Pingback: Roadmap to Immortality – Longevity Genetic Engineering | Maria Konovalenko

  6. Javier Valdez

    That’s how Noah started with humans

  7. At no time ever has a human or any other life form to be extended with technology nor replaced.
    This simple picture so-called roadmap is the top of the madness many humans are stocking in. I am urging each and everyone to think carefully again what you are doing to the most important in the universe: LIFE.

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