What Should Be Done to Achieve Radical Life Extension?


Theoretically the problem is already solved. It is now quite obvious what kind of research should be done for life extension. For example, testing various combinations of different things that extend lifespan in old mice. Particularly important is longevity gene therapy development.

Delivering 5-7 gene vectors simultaneously carrying longevity-associated genes into an old animal could prove to be quite beneficial, because similar approach already works.

It is also clear that there are several experiments in the area of therapeutic cloning that should be done immediately.

There are about 20 other research directions in the area of radical life extension. I’d like to just also mention implementing aging diagnostics into clinical practice.

There are approximately 50 labs in the states that move into the right direction. They could do much more if they had more money.

Well, it’s all about the money, but not really big money.

Transhumanists from all over the world have been trying to solve the mystery of how to secure funding for reaching physical immortality. The very development of science leads towards it, but this process is too slow, a lot of people may not make it in time. Our goal is to accelerate.

Right now it has become obvious how to find the money for radical life extension. It’s crowdfunding. 200-300 campaigns need to be created on various crowdfunding platforms on the topics of fighting aging and regenerative medicine.

Of course, we may not be able to find the necessary amounts of money right away, but we will be able to delineate the scope of goals, most importantly not using just the general words, but particular scientists, labs and research plans.

Even by only preparing the campaigns we will influence the society by once again providing the proof of the possibility of significant life extension. Unfortunately, molecular biology is not part of an every day’s person background. We will make people more educated, show them how diseases originate, progress, and how they relate to aging. We will also tell the people what can be done.

While working on the crowdfunding campaigns we will mobilize our supporters by giving them a concrete tool and a plan of action. Fighting aging crowdfunding will become a very powerful transhumanist organizational solution.

In the end we will gather the money, implement our projects and win!

If you are interested in bringing this plan to live, let’s collaborate. Every single project requires a manager, analyst, scientist, director, operator, a guy who owns a car and a guy who writes a lot about this on the Internet. There is work for everybody, so let’s do this.


Filed under Policy

5 responses to “What Should Be Done to Achieve Radical Life Extension?

  1. My answer here is biased by the fact that I work in the medical field and I have some experience in clinical research: since aging is not currently thought of as a disease, I especially appreciate Dr. Aubrey de Grey’s approach in testing SENS in diseases sharing mechanisms with aging itself – like administering clonal antibodies towards amyloid in Alzheimer disease or inserting enzymes in lysosomal storage diseases.
    As regards society at large, as a doctor I’m telling you that most people are not interested in their health unless during an emergency so besides being able to donate part of the medical insurance money in life extension research, I don’t think lay people would change their minds regarding it.

  2. Maria, you are correct about the need for crowd funding to advance longevity research. I would love to collaborate with you. ~ troi+

  3. dr m baranwal


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